Sunday, February 24, 2013

Welcome Asa Eugene Nusbaum!!!

After 24 hours of labor and lots of patience, Asa Eugene came into this world on February 22 around 3:35am! He weighed 6 lbs and was 19 inches long! He is such a cutie! He needed a little extra help with breathing so here he is in an oxygen bubble-a common problem for babies born in Denver.
 And, oh, doesn't he look so sweet? and just like Tony?
 Here he is with maternal grandma Carla-I think she's in heaven!
 And again with maternal grandpa Chuck! He's looking quite humbled by this little guy!
 and, of course, with the amazing parents, Tony and Carissa! They make such a sweet little family!!!!
I can't wait to meet him in March!

Lots of Happenings!!!

Last weekend, Chantel had to work at the airport and so she stayed Saturday night with us! Since the next Thursday was Matt and Chantel's bdays, we also celebrated!

 Opening her basket of goodies!
 Here was are celebrating at Johnny and Mike's restaurant in Jordan Creek! We had a late supper then went to the Funnybone Comedy Club for some great laughs! It was a great evening!

Thursday was Mathew's birthday!
 Happy 38!!!
 His parents came over for dinner. We had a homemade pizza and dark chocolate cake! We had some time to play a round of pitch too. It was blowing snow on his birthday!!! I think he enjoyed his presents too!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

So here's Riggen and I enjoying a special Valentines snack at about 3:30. Kate went to a movie with her friend so it was just me and this special guy.
 Then, time for the real fun began later when Mathew and I shared sushi at the kitchen counter! It was so sweet! Riggs was off to bball practice by then and Kate wasn't home so we had a little quiet time to ourselves-a rarity!

 ...and well, nothing says love like making funny faces at the camera! Love you, hon!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Prep!

So I don't know if I love or hate the fact we don't have to create and decorate shoe boxes for Valentine's anymore. It was always a bit stressful but I did enjoy being creative with the kids. Kate doesn't have Valentine's parties anymore at her school but Riggs still does so today I enjoyed helping him tape on his suckers to his cool Ninjago Valentines! Here he is hard at work signing them all!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Life's Busy...and Chicago is still so cool

Ok, in case you haven't noticed, life has been a little busy lately considering the last time I posted was in January! How embarassing! I've been working on revamping our "library/sitting room" I have not idea what to call it room but it still needs some help. It is awfully cozy, however.

 Then thursday morning I took off for Model UN with my students. It was a good trip if a bit lonely without the hubby there this time. Good thing I just love walking downtown Chicago and checking out all the cool history---and loading up my laptop with digital movies! The students did well and Clare Barcus, Caroline Scott, Daltzon Kunz and Emma Buchanan helped to bring it home with their great singing and "stow and go" solutions! I also got to catch a flick this time-Silver Linings Playbook--AMAZING movie! EVERYONE should see it!  How I love the Windy City!