Monday, December 31, 2012

Sunday, December 30-More Mayhem and pics!

Today we met again at Sally's to take professional family pictures. I don't have any of those because obviously I couldn't take any while the professional photographer was there. Meanwhile, we were still working on the puzzle from Christmas
 and then enjoying a yummy dinner of ham, rice, home made bread, corn salad, mac 'n cheese and banana cake for dessert! yummy!

Saturday, December 29

Thursday and Friday we had family over and went shopping. It was time well spent. But I didn't take any pictures?!?! Crazy me! So on Saturday we hung out and did "our thing." Matt played xbox and I scrapped. That night Matt's friends came over to hang out and I went out to dinner to La Casa with Paula Menke and to see This is 40! We had a great time! A great day to just relax and spend time with friends! Oh! and I started scrapping 2009!

Boxing Day!

We celebrated Boxing Day in style! Matt didn't get out of his chair...
 ...and Riggen didn't get out of his pj's!
 ...and well, I didn't get out of the house!


Here we are enjoying Christmas morn and seeing the kids unwrap!
 I think Kate likes her new scarf!
 I think Riggen likes his Ninjago brickmaster!
 and well, I love my new perfume!
 and Mathew likes his new popcorn popper!
 The Myers' grandkids! Note that Kate is the only girl....for right now!
 and me surrounded by beautiful new scarves!
 the Sisters!
 Christmas at the Snyder's
 Matt and I being goofy!
 and Kate is tuckered out at Gma Snyder's house! with her new owl pillow, Herman!

Monday, Feliz Navidad!!!!

So, this year we had many people grace our house with their company at Feliz Navidad! I think over 40! We had an excellent time eating, drinking and being merry! 
 ...Christmas Scattergories!

 ...the pinata! It was a Mayan totem head in honor of the world continuing on!!!!

Sunday, December 23-Gpa Mac's Xmas!

I think it is sweet that every year my aunts and uncles still get together and celebrate Xmas! All the little kids have to be weighed and measured--yes, I did too when I was young and then a big Xmas pic! The little ones still exchange gifts!

 ...and then when we got home, we had to prep the fajitas for Feliz Navided...Dave is always helpful and Kissa knitted away while chatting it up!

Saturday, December 22-Ready for Xmas?

We took the day to get ready for Xmas and bake cookies as well as prep the pinata!

Friday, December 21--Snow Day #2!!!

We were very thankful we had another snow day today! 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow Day!!

Today was a fantastic snow day! The entire family was at home and it was so nice to cuddle up!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Kiwano fruit

My husband can be adventurous...when buying fruit! Every now and again he gets excited about a new fruit and brings it home for us to taste. Today was Kiwano fruit. It was supposed to be a mix of papaya and coconut? or was that papaya and pineapple and mango? I can't remember. I do have to say it didn't taste very good. But I appreciate his spontaneity and excitement in little things in life!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 11-Matt and Canada=20 years!

On December 11 Matt and I shared TWENTY years together! This is the day we started "dating" over 20 years ago. and what a wonderful 20 years it has been! Thanks for the lovely white roses-my favorite flowers!

December 9-snow!

We finally got snow!!!!!!!!!  but it was cleared up by noon.

December 8--A splendid Saturday morning!

Saturday we decided to be spontaneous-is that an oxymoron?-anyways, we headed to Mimi's Cafe which has FABulous hot chocolate and wonderful cinnamon brioche french bread. Yum! it was a great way to start this weekend!

December 5...nice things students say...

Here is what was left on my board one day last week. I was explaining how humans are not one-sided and especially not Abe Lincoln. I guess it impressed one of my students!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Monday, December 3--Christmas Cards!

Yes, I am aware this is lopsided but I don't want to reveal too much about the GREAT Holiday card you will be getting in the mail soon! Look how on top of the Holidays I am this year!

Sunday, December 2--Christmas Decorating and the Tree!

Here is Kate fussing with her hair because it has to look perfect while we are in the middle of nowhere getting a tree!!!
 ...and here is my sweet hubby cutting down our Christmas tree--yep, we are considering a fake one next year!
 ...ah, don't we look picturesque? Hauling up our Christmas tree from the field the old fashioned way. This was the WARMEST I can remember getting a tree. It's usually the COLDEST day of the year when we go!
 Here's Kate putting on the first ornament!
 ...and Riggen following suit!
 ...and it was Kate's year to put up the star! good thing she was tall enough!
 ..and Riggen who refused to pose for a nice kid pciture in front of the tree!
...and Matt and I made it through thanks to the margaritas at La Casa!!!!!!!!!  Feliz Navidad!