Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sunday, December 2--Christmas Decorating and the Tree!

Here is Kate fussing with her hair because it has to look perfect while we are in the middle of nowhere getting a tree!!!
 ...and here is my sweet hubby cutting down our Christmas tree--yep, we are considering a fake one next year!
 ...ah, don't we look picturesque? Hauling up our Christmas tree from the field the old fashioned way. This was the WARMEST I can remember getting a tree. It's usually the COLDEST day of the year when we go!
 Here's Kate putting on the first ornament!
 ...and Riggen following suit!
 ...and it was Kate's year to put up the star! good thing she was tall enough!
 ..and Riggen who refused to pose for a nice kid pciture in front of the tree!
...and Matt and I made it through thanks to the margaritas at La Casa!!!!!!!!!  Feliz Navidad!

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