Ha, ha, ha! This pic cracks me up! There's lots of hype surrounding the new Lincoln movie-I can't wait to see it! So I posted a funny pic on FB stating, "I heard Lincoln is doing well in theatres. This hasn't always been true." So I'm on a Lincoln roll today. Such an amazing, complex, imperfect human being aren't we all?

But today I'm going to "toot my own horn" as my Grandma Evelyn used to say. I received a wonderful email from a current student simply stating "Mrs. Snyder, you are awesome!" nothing else said, nothing extraordinary that I did for this student, no preamble about allowing her to turn in something late (which I didn't do) or anything like that. Just that I'm awesome. wow! To think someone else thinks I am awesome is quite humbling.
So, to pay it forward, I think the following people are awesome for the following reasons: Carissa, because she has more creativity and talent in her pinky than I do in my whole body; Chantel, because she has the patience of Job; my mom, because all she ever wanted to be was a mom; my dad, because he worked long, hard hours to give us girls what we needed and oftentimes what we wanted; Kate, because she isn't afraid to try anything new; Riggen, because he is so damn happy all the time; Paula, because she was willing to break the law to hang out with me; Susan, because she is the strongest, most self-reliant person I know; and of course, Mathew, because, well, because he has loved me and all my faults for the past 20 years.
*There are plenty more whom I think are awesome. You'll have to keep checking back!