Tonight we went to the Sleep Number Store at Jordan Creek with the kids. It was quite a feat! Mathew and I have been trying to find the perfect bed for his back pain and my side sleeping. We were worried about the kids having to wait around at the store-they were great! In fact the saleslady and a random couple both told us what well-behaved kids we have. It made me smile. Afterwards, we stood in Scheel's trying to decide where to go to eat. We decided on Cheesecake Factory because no one (except me) had been. They have this new, great skinny menu. I had the BEST tuscan chicken and Mathew had jumbalaya pasta! yum-o! Then, Kate snapped this pic of us!
My parents have a sleep number bed and LOVE IT! They wonder how they lived all these years without it. If you need more info let me know---I would be happy to pick their brains about it!