Tuesday, January 10, 2012


January 10, 2012-I love music. In high school, I was in choir and band. I thought I could sing and play; actually, I can't do either well (or at all). But I sure do love to listen to it! I had a big crush on Matt because he was the lead trumpet player and was quite talented-cheesy, I know. (He also had a garage band.) When we dated in high school, Matt and I would stay up just listening and talking about music. I like a variety of music, although I'm not too fond of metal music. I listen to my ipod all the time: in the car, at work, exercising, at home when I'm cooking and cleaning and sometimes when I'm reading. I have to admit that lately I've had trouble finding new, good music that I like...and then voila! I discovered Yael Naim. Actually, I've listened to her for awhile now, but just got this new CD (yes, CD) at Xmas. It's great! I also bought they new Whitley album; it's great too. So, if you have good music suggestions, send them my way, or if you are in need of some suggestions to mix up your playlists, let me know; I might be able to help.

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