Thank you grandpa Charlie for a beautiful life!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Treat after a walk...
I had a lovely walk tonight with my hubby. We talked about all sorts of things, including how to cure the world's energy problems! Upon my return home, I got to have my new FAV treat! All natural fruit bars! yum!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Homework Help
Kate and Mathew hanging out working on Kate's homework. I like Kate's clipboard with the wild animal print that Matt's holding!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Comfort and cooking
Today I was anxious to get home to cook a good meal of comfort food for my family and in-laws. I didn't even go and workout (although I probably should have). It was just nice to get home, step in my kitchen and bake and cook. I made a new recipe called Garlic Chicken (yum) from the Eating Well magazine, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, steamed brocoli, lettuce salad and fresh pineapple. I love eating fresh, healthy foods! Our plates were so colorful! Of course, I had to top it all off with homemade chocolate chip cookies-Matt and Sally's favorite!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
85th Birthdays
Today was my grandpa's 85th birthday (my mom's dad). It was great to see he and Elsie and the rest of the Sayers clan. It was also his brother's (Uncle Bud's) 87th birthday. I happened to sit near grandpa Mac and I thought (looking around the room), "holy cow, all these people are alive because of him!" It was such an awesome moment--note how I'm using the word "awesome" correctly, meaning awe-inspiring--and then I considered what I would be like if I live to be 85. Would I have lived a good life as a good person? I certainly hope so and I certainly want the time to try.
A good deed goes a long way...
On Saturday morning, Riggen and I had to be up early so we could collect his bags for the food pantry. A few days beforehand he delivered these bags in the neighborhood for collection Saturday morning. This was part of his Boy Scouts. Saturday morning he collected 25+ bags for the Carlisle food pantry. He said he loved doing it and it made him feel good! He was so proud of our full mini van of food when we dropped it off at the food pantry in Carlisle. A good deed sure goes a long way!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Middle School Social!
Kate had her first social! Which really means Middle School dance! She had an entire plan for getting ready starting at 4:45 and being ready by 6:30! Sydney came home from school and the girls got ready together! Aren't they sweeeeeet?!?
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Back at it...
So, I took a little break from blogging due to my grandpa's sudden illness. I didn't feel inspired to take pictures or blog, but I'm getting back into it. Here are a few pictures to enjoy!
This picture was on the back of Riggen's school assignment; I can tell how impactful this assignment was! He decided to draw his favorite cartoon, Adventuretime. The newest one had Jake and Fynn practicing the "ultimate high five!" I secretly loved looking at this homework and seeing this pic on the back!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Calming Birds
I received some poor news today. My grandpa is gravely ill. This makes me very, very sad. So as I was thinking of a picture today I felt uninspired and just wanted to skip it for the day. I haven't missed a day yet--even if I don't post until the next day--I haven't gone a day without a picture. So as I walked tonight I was surrounded by birds--red wing black birds, sparrow, robins and of course, Canada geese. The Canada geese fly so low and flap their wings so furiously they seem like they shouldn't be able to fly. The red wing blackbirds stake out their claim in a tree and do their fancy shrill song; the robins hop along on the walking path with me. I didn't have my camera with me on the walk but took a photo of this old photo (so it counts) of Canada Geese and I was calmed.
A black thumb...
Tuesday, April 10--I do not have a green thumb; I have a black thumb. I cannot keep plants alive. My mom is sympathetic to my "situation" and has given me these 3 plants. They are the only plants in my house and they are on the verge of dying. I can barely keep a Christmas CACTUS alive. I either overwater or forget to water. You'd think I'd have it figured out by now. When we moved to the new house I told my mother in law that I wanted to plant a garden. She said maybe I should start with container gardening first. That was her gracious way of saying I would kill a garden and she's right. So, this Spring I'm going to try a container garden and revive my nearly-dead plants...somehow. I must. do. it.

Monday, April 9, 2012
Favorite Fruit!
Easter Holiday
The day has just begun and both of my kids are already in a candy coma. Just check out their eyes!

The annual Easter egg hunt at Anne's. We realized the kids are getting older; it was a bummer, but the good news was that they were still anxious and excited to do the hunt--even 18 year old Ben wanted to take part!
Kate and Riggs showing off their "haul" from egg hunt! (with melted chocolate bars and all)

Saturday Date Night!
Mathew and I got to enjoy a rare night out. We decided to mix it up and be a little fancy. He looks great in his suit and of course, we went to one of our favorite restaurants, The Latin King.
I ordered my usual, Chicken Spaedini.
We also shared a great bottle of Italian wine so Matt could get "used to" Italian wine when he heads to Italy in June!

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Riggen had Mason over tonight (Friday) and was soooo excited. These boys play so well together and just giggle and laugh. Here they are laughing at the stupid Elmo song on the computer. They actually went to bed at a decent hour....meanwhile I got to enjoy....
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Riggen's laughter
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Bob the Builder
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
So proud to be a teacher!!!
With all the vast changes occurring in education, one thing stays the same: the students show up every day to learn. We've had some pretty significant changes at my work this year and it looks like next year will be no different, but I admit that I am very PROUD of the work I do every day with my students, regardless of what the schedule is or how much time and energy my students demand. Today was no exception. After 50+ emails and fighting and advocating for all of my students to attend history day, it finally paid off. Central Academy sent on students in every category to STATE and even completely dominated some categories. I had the best "group hug" after the awards ceremony today and nothing can replace seeing some students cry because they have never been able to experience something like this before. So, I thought today I would pass along some highlights of the day.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Failed Recipe
Yet another one of my New Year's resolutions was to make a new recipe each month. This hasn't been too difficult as I get Rachael Ray magazine and Martha Stewart's Food magazine. But, this one was a bust. I made it correctly (yee-haw!) but it just tasted terrible. It was Spring Pesto Shrimp Pasta. The pesto was NOT good...we trashed it and ended up eating peanut butter, honey and banana sandwiches!!!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012--Scrap weekend continued!
Here are Sue and Wendy on one of our two walks that I force them to take...overlooking the NE River? Actually, I'm not sure which river it is, but it was pretty. It's our "Senior year" photo! :)
Here is the hurricane of scrapland--after much furniture manuevering!
Here is us at breakfast on the verandah! Mimosas and all!

Friday, March 30, 2012--Off to Scrap Weekend!
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