Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Calming Birds

I received some poor news today. My grandpa is gravely ill. This makes me very, very sad. So as I was thinking of a picture today I felt uninspired and just wanted to skip it for the day. I haven't missed a day yet--even if I don't post until the next day--I haven't gone a day without a picture. So as I walked tonight I was surrounded by birds--red wing black birds, sparrow, robins and of course, Canada geese. The Canada geese fly so low and flap their wings so furiously they seem like they shouldn't be able to fly. The red wing blackbirds stake out their claim in a tree and do their fancy shrill song; the robins hop along on the walking path with me. I didn't have my camera with me on the walk but took a photo of this old photo (so it counts) of Canada Geese and I was calmed.

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