Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Toilet Paper!!

So, as most of you know, Mathew suffers from Crohn's disease. Lately, the Crohn's disease is proving to be mightier than my husband's stomach. He's on another rounds of steroids which is never a good thing, but at least he's able to make it through the day. It is a terrible, silent disease that I loathe. passionately. But today, it ended up making me laugh because we received this ad in the mail from Hyvee:

Who gets mail from Hy-Vee like this? I should not have torn it, because it was a 5x7 piece of paper advertising the "plushiness" of Cottonelle! And it was addressed to Mathew C. Snyder--apparently they've figured out what he buys at Hy-Vee with his debit card and are now marketing directly to him! It made me laugh, because what else should you do when  you get a HUGE ad in the mail for toilet paper? Too bad they don't know us well enough, or they would have sent a coupon for Quilted Northern! :)

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