Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I hEaRt Willie Nelson!

As I've blogged before, music is a part of my life. From my husband playing bass and electric guitar (and singing) to my constant listening! I saw Willie Nelson (and Bob Dylan, for that matter) in concert a few years back and did not realize then what a GeNiUs Willie Nelson is. I downloaded this album, Teatro, by Willie Nelson and can't stop listening. If you are interested, at least try "Somebody Pick Up the Pieces;" it will send you in a tailspin of emotions.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Here is Matt's mom, Sally, holding up his "candle."Below is Matt's brother, Scott and his wife, Amy (with Sally). And Ben, "the kid who doesn't have a date to the Indianola prom yet" (my nephew).
Yes, we celebrated Matt's birthday again today! We want to make sure our birthday people know we love them and that we cherish another year of being around them! So we celebrated at Jim and Sally's. it was a lovely afternoon and I appreciate Sally making everything; I didn't contribute to the dinner and was feeling pathetic about it but I sure do appreciate her cooking! We also realized that a minute before we started singing we didn't have candles for Matt. So matt's mom was gracious and held the lighter for him! :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012


Yep, so glad today is Friday. Yep, I'm drinking my night away!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Organic food

So, there's lots of controversy out there about the food we consume. I'm not sure what is the "perfect" route for us or even if there is one. I do know that my husband suffers from Crohn's and when he eats healthy, un-processed foods his symptoms are lighter. I also know that I am lactose intolerant and since we don't eat dairy in my house (minus a bit of butter) my stomach has been better. I'm showing Food, Inc. to my 9th graders since we're studying agriculture and its production as part of AP Human geography and it reminds me that we really should buy local and fresh. So today's picture shows locally grown lettuce and locally made tortillas (all organic) that we had for dinner. And I'm whipping up an organic tart for dinner so looking forward to that too!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Today we celebrated Matt's birthday with his family at Noah's Restaurant. I was lucky that I was able to make it, for once! Good food, good eats!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Matt's 37th Birthday!

5. He puts up with me. Oh, how I love him and am so happy being with him!4. He's so classy...he can make his "blankie" and wine look good!
3. He is so creative that he can "whip" together an Indiana Jones in less than 10 minutes!
2. He is such a good dad and is willing to brave "Big Mable" with a screaming Kate!
1. He takes me to awesome concerts even though he barely knows the performers and is always up for a fun time!
Today is Mathew's 37th birthday and he's at class until late tonight. So I thought I would highlight why my husband is so great to celebrate his birthday!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Tomorrow is Matt's birthday and he requested home made chocolate chip cookies. I don't think he can wait until tomorrow!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


A great night in KC celebrating my older sister, Chantel's, 40th birthday! Cheers to turning 40!

Friday, February 17, 2012


"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them." This quote by R. W. Emerson fits perfectly in my Friday night. Sue and Wendy came over to talk, laugh, eat, and drink! As I'm trying to figure out which quote to select, Mathew asks "well, why do you like spending time with them"? My response came very naturally: "I feel normal and I don't feel I have to be something I'm not." Ok, Matt. Lesson learned; I can state it just as well as Emerson. Thank you, friends.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What do chorus concerts and the big dipper have in common?

Really not sure what Kate is doing in the picture below...strike a pose! She's the one in the floral skirt.

Tonight Kate had her chorus concert in Carlisle's new auditorium. It sure brought back musical memories! We were commenting about the concert on the way home and laughing, having a good time and all of a sudden Riggen bursts out "Darn! I can't find the big dipper!" what?!?!? Yes, this is how our little crazy family works-a little laughter and a little random. :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Most people who know us well understand having a good blender in our house is essential. Not only because of our annual Fleiz Navidad party, but also because we are known for making a mean margarita! So, Mathew and I put our blenders through the ringer. We bought this blender--top of the line Kitchenaid--2 years ago and it is already in poor shape. It took me 15 minutes tonight to get this glob of fruit and yogurt mixed because I had to stop and stir and then the motor would only last in short bursts. (at least I have learned to remove the wooden spoon before I turn it on again) So it looks like we are in the market (yet again) for another blender! I think I better have one up and running before Friday when the girls come! :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day!

Is it too obvious my blog is about Valentine's Day today? Nah, I don't think so. When I woke up, there was a gift and card at my mirror from Mathew...when I retrieved the OJ from the fridge, there was a gift and card from Mathew...when I got into my car to drive to work there was a gift and card from Mathew on my steering wheel...when I finished my work day there was a gift and card in my teacher mailbox...when I got into my car to go home there was a gift and card on my car seat...when I got home there was a gift and card on my pillow. I'm amazed at how thoughtful, kind, loving and caring my husband can be. I didn't care about the gifts (although there are all great!) I cared about the fact he went to so much trouble and time to organize it all. Thanks for a memorable V-day even if I can't spend the evening with you while you're at class. You're the best and I'm honored to be your wife.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow, sledding and smiles!

Look at these two angels! They sledded until it became dark. I had to call them home. A great time with the neighbor kids and sledding down a GINORMOUS hill-as Riggen said. Pure. Joy.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Loathsome vaccuum.

Who is fond of cleaning? I had this one neighbor who was clean freak; she'd even take off work to go home and clean-when her place was already spotless. That is not me. I just always think there are better uses of my time other than cleaning, like reading or shopping or playing games with the kids. But, yesterday and today I had to admit it needed to be done. I'm a big fan of Norwex cleaning supplies so I figure I'll share how it makes my cleaning easier. But I will tell you I have the worst luck with vaccuum cleaners. I've killed 3 of them in 5 years. So, I took a pic of my loathsome vaccuum that craps out on me every time I use it. Sorry, folks this is the excitement of my life this Sunday.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fondue! (not fon-don't, although it should be!)

Riggs is making a special "fondue sandwich." It includes angel food cake and graham cracker! yum! He was elated! (too bad kate was at a friend's house and missed out!)
Tonight we had a special treat! One we haven't had since we lived on Elm. Chocolate fondue! Let me tell you that it's a bit trickier now due to lactose intolerance, but we managed and it tasted great! (note the wine glass and bottle in the pic--what's fondue without wine?)

Friday, February 10, 2012


Ok, so it's a bit lame since i've featured pizza on Friday night before. But, this is all that is left of a LARGE pizza at our house tonight!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

yep, still running

Just in case you were wondering if I'm keeping my other new year's goal of continued exercise, I am. This is me after 3 miles in 30 minutes...yeah, the pace is only 10 minute miles but it's enough for me right now. Plus weight lifting after...whew. I thought this pic was appropriate since Kate got to see First Lady Obama today about getting a move on it!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I was invited to play bunco at my mother-in-law's tonight. The picture is of the amount of $ I won! woo hoo! It was a great time hanging with the ladies and eating the world's best chicken salad and cookies!

Tuesday...small surprises

I had CLIO class tonight again and I always forget to take my camera so you can see all of us history nerds talking shop at Smokey Row. Anyways, the prof leading the discussion was from Grandview and we started chatting. To make a long story short, he chatted with me about teaching some classes for Grandview...interesting possibility and something to consider. So, because Kate and Riggs have been featured a lot (I was tempted to take a pic of them making their Valentines) I decided to feature an interesting future possibility--and no, it would not become a full time job, but a few classes at night to teach.

A Monday worth looking forward least for Riggen!

Matt and I struggled a bit Monday morning as we headed off to work without a weekend respite. But we did get a chance to go to the Lego store in downtown Chicago and purchase this new set for Riggen! He couldn't wait to get home from school on Monday to put it together!


This 4th picture is our last night in town when we went to this great Greek restaurant called Santorini's. They always take good care of us and enjoy having us for dinner!
This third picture is taken in the main lobby of the Palmer House where the conference takes place and where we stay. I love the Palmer House; it was formerly a respite place for WWII vets. Here are a few of our group!
The second picture is of a Model UN session; in fact, the largest session in the State room. Kayleigh and Nathan are furiously working away at writing a resolution paper!

So, I'm sorry that I have not updated my blog recently but I have taken a picture each day! You are going to get a quick review of my weekend! The 1st picture is of students at the Model UN conference in Chicago during opening ceremonies-don't they look great?!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I'm off to Model UN tomorrow morning in Chicago with 21 of Central's finest! This year Matt is also attending as a chaperone! We'll see if he's cut out for it! I might not be able to post over the weekend if I decide to not take my laptop, but I will still be taking a picture each day and may upload Sunday night-so watch for a "weekend in review!"