Sunday, March 25, 2012

My new best friend, ok, not really, but I love it!

So, I've been really trying to lose some weight and tone up for the summer months. I have been indecisive about whether or not to get the body bugg, and finally decided NOT to get it because I got the fitbit instead! I have used it the past week and absolutely LOVE it. It is half the price of the body bugg and can be worn discreetly---like in your pocket or on your belt loop etc... It measures calories burned, steps taken, mileage walked and flights climbed. It also has a sleep tracker that you wear at night to track sleep patterns-which is great for someone like me who doesn't sleep well. It comes with a FREE webpage that has a crazy amount of information and wirelessly updates to its sensor when you are within 15 feet of it. It's AMAZING. I wanted to wait before I posted about it to see if it really works and if it is motivational to get one moving and it is! I've lost 4 pounds since Spring Break started...of course, you have to MOVE to do this and it just is the little extra push I need to get me moving more.


  1. I am so interested in this little device! I hope I can check it out next weekend---I may have to look into getting one--sounds like a great device!

  2. Susan! it is AWEsome. It is even inspiring me to be good on scrap weekend! Today I walked 7 miles and burned 2400 cals but only ate 1400 cals! i love all the info it gives me...!
