Tuesday, October 2, 2012

You Know You Can Wear These When...

you don't have to stand all day. Today I had the fortunate opportunity to present at the Regional Great Lakes Social Studies Conference with my friend and teaching-partner-in-crime, Christine Schaefer. I hemmed and hawed about what to wear as usual but decided on some BR pants and these shoes. I love these shoes; actually, I love any shoes with a strap. But I can only wear them for an hour. Tops. Then my feet die. I have really wide feet-thanks mom!-and so finding shoes is a bit tough for me. 

I've been wearing the same heeled Dansko sandals since 2009. I walked the himalayas and the Great Wall in those shoes; I walked the Berlin Wall in those shoes. I love them. But they aren't featured here. Because they smell so badly I didn't get close enough to take a picture!

 Back to the point....these are the shoes I wore today which made me feel tall and a bit like  a New Yorker. Although, I confess, I wouldn't know what a New Yorker feels like. I haven't even been to New York! Ah yes, the point. I like the shoes. for an hour. Tops.

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