Saturday, June 30, 2012
8 Year Olds Know the Meaning of Life
Surgery and Babysitting
Today was a busy day; Mathew had surgery for his Crohn's disease. We were at the hospital for 7 hours; it sucked. But he's slowly recovering with homemade chocolate chip cookies and hydrocodone! :)
But, Kate also had a big day in that she was officially hired for her first babysitting job! She was so excited and had a bag full of games, crafts and ideas to use! She loved it! Yay, Kate!Thursday, June 28, 2012
The P-ville Dairy Shoppe!
So, it was a hot one today in Iowa. We hit 100!!! It's been awhile since this has happened. So, naturally, we went to see a movie, Brave. It was so cute. Then went to the Carlisle Pool; it was so refreshing. And then took a humid drive down to P-ville to my FAVORITE ice cream place! I am lactose intolerant and haven't had ice cream for years--yes, years, plural! But it just seemed like the right night tonight! So, I ordered the usual: small, oreo malt. It cost $2! I loved every sip of it! I'm not sure my tummy will be too happy about it shortly, but it was a perfect night for one of my favorite road trips and ice creams!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
I've been thinking about my sisters much this week. Carissa hasn't been feeling very well and Chantel might be moving to a new house, so they have been busy! I miss them and wish we didn't live hours away from each other. We always have a good time when we are together!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Congrats are in order!
Nothing like coming home from Italy and getting a NEW job! Congratulations Mathew! I'm so VERY proud of you!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Matt is home from Italy!!!
So glad Mathew made it home safe and sound and on time!!! We missed him much and the kids love their new soccer Roma jerseys!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Busy Day!
We had a fresh BLT sandwich for lunch with my homegrown tomatoes!!! yum!
And a HUGE THANK YOU to my parents for helping to hang the new storm door on our front porch! It took forever as dad had to rebuild the door frame so I really appreciate their time and patience! It makes the house so much "homier" and open--can't wait for Matt to see it and appreciate it!
And I also baked my first homemade apple pie. I've baked apple pies before but I also use pre-made crusts--not today! I can't wait for Mathew to get home and try it! It looks so yummy and smells so good!Girls Night Out!
Had a great time with the girls Friday night at Dos Rios! And then I forgot to get a group picture--but Riggs took this one of me before I left. It was fun to get gussied up a bit.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Kickball, not kick the can!
When I was younger, we always played "kick the can" at my grandparents' house. I'm not sure why. Maybe my mom can shed light on that. Anyways, last night our yard was full of kids playing kickball until late in the day. Then I brought our cookies to them and all of them said, "my grandmother makes the BEST cookies!" It wasn't my mom makes the best cookies, or my aunt or anyone else. It was "my grandma" which made me smile because I thought the very same about my grandmother's cookies too.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Adventurous Day!
So to begin my day, I mowed the lawn. Yes, yes I know I said I never had to do it--check back a few weeks for that post--but Matt's in Italy and the backyard was getting long. It took me over an hour. I started at 7:30am-not sure if the neighbors liked that but oh well. It was quite a miserable experience. I'm glad Mathew usually does it!
Then, Riggen decided he wanted to go to the Des Moines Zoo. We got there around 10am right when they opened and I LOVE the new features! A new driveway/sign, a new Australian Outback area, and a new sea lion exhibit! We had a great time!
And, well, since we were starving, we headed to one of our favorites...Pancheros!!
Then, off to Lowe's for over an hour to research plants and flowers for our south flower garden! And then we headed home and it took us TWO hours to clean out the flower bed! Here's a great shot of Kate weeding! tee, hee!
And finally, around 6:30 we called it quits. Ok, actually, I called it quits and finally showered and made dinner. It is now 8:40 and the kids are still outside playing in the yard! How I love summer! (meanwhile I'm enjoying a glass of wine on our deck!)
Then, off to Lowe's for over an hour to research plants and flowers for our south flower garden! And then we headed home and it took us TWO hours to clean out the flower bed! Here's a great shot of Kate weeding! tee, hee!
And finally, around 6:30 we called it quits. Ok, actually, I called it quits and finally showered and made dinner. It is now 8:40 and the kids are still outside playing in the yard! How I love summer! (meanwhile I'm enjoying a glass of wine on our deck!)
Quirky Kids
Today we went to the Carlisle Public Library's African drumming session. It was actually performed by a woman who gave up her job 15 years ago to live her life as a drummer. She had several instruments including a didgeridoo, singing bowl, a variety of drums etc...She did a great job getting the kids involved and attempting to play in rhythm. There were probably 50+ kids all drumming along on their instruments. Then, she had them dance around her "fire" to awaken their dreams. It was cute. So, below, is a (poor) picture of Riggen dancing around the "fire" awakening his dreams!
And then, of course, Kat was "too cool" for the drumming session so she had to dress as her fav celebrity-Kate Middleton-to prove it. And here she was just on her way to her friend's house! :)Thank goodness for my quirky, fun, sweet children. They make me smile every day!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Tomatoes!!! Really, Tomato--just 1--so far!
As I've mentioned before, I don't have a green thumb, but both my sisters do. But I'm trying. Mom has given me several plants that are still alive and I've planted some lilies, roses and coleus outside and they are thriving. But here's the thing, I love flowers and being surrounded by their wonderful colors but the BEST part about summer is fresh tomatoes. I have 1 tomato plant and it is doing quite well! My first tomato was plucked Monday--see below! Then, I relished eating it atop farm fresh scrambled eggs with basil. Oh, how lovely! I've got a bunch more coming in from just this one plant--will definitely plant many next spring! I'm hoping to find a day when I "can" tomatoes too--I'll have to head to the farmer's market to get enough but fresh tomato sauce in December? Yeah, to die for!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
A day of shopping and relaxing...
Today the kids and I went to some of our favorite stores. We went to Toys R Us where Riggen had a very difficult time deciding what to spend his bday money on, then to Pier 1 (no pic) where I got lost in all of their cool stuff and then to Maggie Moo's for ice cream! Riggen had cotton candy--note the smurf-like color of his face--and Kate had better batter! Later on, we had dinner at the Mavin's (forgot pic!) to round out the day! Cheers!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Lunch with my long-time friend!
Today I had lunch with my long-time friend, Paula. I love getting together with her because even though it might have been weeks or months since we've last seen each other, we pick up right where we left off! It's always so nice too having a friend that knew you when you were little and pretty much knows your whole life story. I wish we got together more often, but we are both busy moms. The times we do get together are so special! Thanks for a great afternoon, Paula! Looking forward to Cheetos and grapes soon!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Summer Feet!
Ok, this picture doesn't really do justice to how dirty Riggen's feet were today. I missed my window of opportunity when his feet were black from bouncing on the trampoline and my parents' house! For some reason, most of the blackness came off already?!? The point is Riggen's feet are always dirty and filthy during summer. It's a good thing!
Wild Things!
These are 2 of my wild things: Kate and her Toms that she's been obsessing about, and the blue heron at mom and dad's tonight during dinner.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
New summer color and "do"
So, here's my new summer color and "do." I don't get my haircut very often but happen to be pretty picky about who cuts it--isn't everyone? So, when Susan James (thanks!) suggested I go to the Aveda School I was a little wary. But I had the BEST time. The sweetheart of a girl who cut it did such a nice job. I had colored it this morning and so she was giving me "tips" for the next coloring. Usually my hair is tied back in a pony with a headband for the summer but I'll make an exception-for today! :) Riggs asked to take my picture because he thought I looked "pretty"--such a good boy--so we were having fun taking pics. It reminds me of the several times he stole our camera and walked around the house taking pictures from a 3 year old point of view! I have some great scrap pages of toilets and his feet! But, I digress. I highly suggest the Aveda School (but make sure you have 2 hours of time) and I also suggest loving summer every bit as much as I do!
Monday, June 11, 2012
I'm wasting my life!!!!!!
Here are my recent "time wasters" in my life:
1. Words with friends, which I've only played with 2 people (Yes, I know, I need to add more-who wants to take me on??)
2. My kindle which has, yes, those "smutty" books on it that I can't put down.
3. She's pretty funny
4. Google+ now that i can instantly upload my camera pics to my blog!
5. I say more?
Sunday, June 10, 2012
I didn't take this picture, but oh how I wish I could have! Mathew took off for Venice today. I'm usually the one traveling and leaving so it's good for him; don't I sound convincing? I already MISS. HIM.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Lend me some sugar...I AM your neighbor!
The topic of today is "things that make me laugh." The subject title gives away one. I was working out this morning and halfway through "Hey Ya!" comes on which makes me giggle. Kate and Riggen loved this song as little kids and sang it in the car. The subject title is the funniest part of the song and I burst out
The next thing that makes me laugh is my husband. I can always count on him to say something funny. He has a pretty sly sense of humor, but it works for me. I get to laugh nearly every day because of him! And he pointed out after Kate took the picture that it looked like the plant was growing out of his head. Ha, ha! My children, of course, make me laugh. Here's Riggen's latest: What does a monster eat when he gets to the restaurant? Answer: The waiter. Ha, ha, ha! Oh, it makes me giggle!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
I hate running. I have this weird respect for people who can run. I say weird because I hate running and yet want to be a "runner." It wreaks havoc on your knees, messes with your hips and dries out your feet. I've been trying be a "runner" since I turned 30--that's 5 years now. I previously had a goal of running a marathon by the time I was 35. That goal has now changed. Not just because I'm 35 and am not ready to run a marathon but because I'm "wiser" and have realized that is not a worthy, or healthy goal for me. I have also decided I hate to run races. I dislike the pressure and the mind games. I play enough mind games with myself, I don't need another one. I do enjoy setting small running goals for myself, however. I'm beginning to "like" the high I get when running and after I'm finished. And I mean the "like" as in Facebook "like;" not the real "like." I've ran 18 miles since Sunday. I get up halfway early (considering it is summer) and run 4-6 miles. I don't run nonstop. I run, then walk, then run, then sprint. I like to mix it up. Anyways, my post today is a THANK YOU to my sister in law, Amy. She hasn't been featured yet (come to think of it, much of my family "siblings" haven't been featured-I need to work on that!) but on Saturday she ran the Dam to Dam. She's been running since...forever. She's over 40 (sorry Amy!) and can run and I mean run. She introduced me to these new socks called "Smart Wool." They were crazy expensive for my tastes but I've ran in them since Monday and I LOVE, LOVE them. They don't cause blisters and make my feel feel good when I run. Maybe they'll inspire me to sign up for that Color Run Jenn wants me to do...! :)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Cleaning Day
I dislike cleaning; actually, who does LIKE cleaning? But it needs to be done! So today we've been cleaning up. The toy room desperately needed it. Kate's excited about the $ she can earn but Riggen isn't. He's been hiding under the table and refusing to help. Ugh. Sorry boys, you are L-A-Z-Y! I'm trying my best to get him moving! Since I hate cleaning but love the results, it's a good thing I have my sister's towels to clean with. She's made me themed towels for each international trip. One for Australia, one for China and one for Germany. It makes me smile when I use them and makes cleaning bearable. Who would have thought towels would be one of my prize possessions?! Thanks, Carissa! 
Monday, June 4, 2012
Boy Scout Day Camp!
I had the esteemed privilege of going to Boy Scout Day Camp with Riggen on Saturday! It was held at Jay's Lake and lasted from 8-3:30. I was a little tired since it was my 1st Saturday off, but it was a gorgeous day and we had so much fun! We built a bat hourse, shot beebee guns, shot bottle rockets, opened owl pellets, went fishing, hiked, saw wild zoo animals, completed obstacle courses, ate picnic lunch and shot arrows! I was the only mom there amongst the dads, but Riggen didn't mind. He was glad I was there to share the day with him!
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