Thursday, June 7, 2012


I hate running. I have this weird respect for people who can run. I say weird because I hate running and yet want to be a "runner." It wreaks havoc on your knees, messes with your hips and dries out your feet. I've been trying be a "runner" since I turned 30--that's 5 years now. I previously had a goal of running a marathon by the time I was 35. That goal has now changed. Not just because I'm 35 and am not ready to run a marathon but because I'm "wiser" and have realized that is not a worthy, or healthy goal for me. I have also decided I hate to run races. I dislike the pressure and the mind games. I play enough mind games with myself, I don't need another one. I do enjoy setting small running goals for myself, however. I'm beginning to "like" the high I get when running and after I'm finished. And I mean the "like" as in Facebook "like;" not the real "like." I've ran 18 miles since Sunday. I get up halfway early (considering it is summer) and run 4-6 miles. I don't run nonstop. I run, then walk, then run, then sprint. I like to mix it up. Anyways, my post today is a THANK YOU to my sister in law, Amy. She hasn't been featured yet (come to think of it, much of my family "siblings" haven't been featured-I need to work on that!) but on Saturday she ran the Dam to Dam. She's been running since...forever. She's over 40 (sorry Amy!) and can run and I mean run. She introduced me to these new socks called "Smart Wool." They were crazy expensive for my tastes but I've ran in them since Monday and I LOVE, LOVE them. They don't cause blisters and make my feel feel good when I run. Maybe they'll inspire me to sign up for that Color Run Jenn wants me to do...!  :)


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Canada because I really learned something new about you--I've always admired you for running because I can't seem to push myself beyond a slow job--but I always ASSUMED you REALLY LIKED it! I appreciate your perspective and admire you even more now since you stick with it so well!!!!

    1. Oops! That should have been slow "jog" not "job" although I can be pretty slow at work too :-)

    2. You know that coffee/tea/scrapbook/book shop is always an option for us!

  2. who, whoa! 3 whole comments and it looks like my folks gave into the pressure to sign up! You go, parents! The socks are wonderful and well worth $13. I've got a coupon for Sports Authority so headed there to buy another pair because i can't keep washing them every day!
