Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm wasting my life!!!!!!

Here are my recent "time wasters" in my life: 
1. Words with friends, which I've only played with 2 people (Yes, I know, I need to add more-who wants to take me on??)
2. My kindle which has, yes, those "smutty" books on it that I can't put down. 

3. She's pretty funny

4. Google+ now that i can instantly upload my camera pics to my blog!

5. I say more?

1 comment:

  1. You & Your Smut! I woudl never read that Trash!!! HA! Whey are there not pictures of your clean house today? Or did the smut get the best of you!!!!

    I will add Words with Friends on my I-pad so you can have another friend to play with...once I figure out how to do that. Maybe you can help when I come down next week!
